A - The Magic Wand massagers are designed in Japan and manufactured in China.
Q - How do I know if this magic wand is genuine?
A - The market is flooded with fakes and replicas. The only way to be 100% certain you are getting an authentic Magic Wand is to purchase from an authorized retailer. We provide a 100% guarantee that you will receive an authentic Magic Wand massager with a 1-year manufacturers warranty.
Q - Why are your prices different than other stores?
A - We only sell 100% authentic Magic Wand’s. The products you purchase from us are high-quality and are not to be compared with other lower priced knock-off’s and fakes. There are lower quality, replica devices that claim to be the “real” magic wand, however these are not nearly as powerful or safe as a genuine Hitachi Magic Wand.
Q - Is the original magic wand more powerful than the rechargeable?
A - The Magic Wand Rechargeable, model HV270, which is the cordless/rechargeable model is actually slightly stronger than the plug-in version.
Q - What will my credit card/bank statement appear as?
A - Your privacy is our number one priority! We bill all orders under “Magical”. There will never be any form of information relating to the items on hitachi-magic-wand-massagers.co.uk mentioned on your credit card statement.
Q - What is your returns policy?
A - Due to the personal nature of our products we DO NOT offer returns. For more information, please refer to our Warranty & Return Policy.
Q - What shipping methods do you offer?
A - All orders ship for FREE if the order is over £100, using DPD or the Royal mail postal system. You can also upgrade your shipping to USPS Priority for Next day delivery.
Q - Do you offer discreet shipping?
A - Yes, all orders are shipped in plain packaging and no one will know what you have purchased from us. Of course nothing about hitachi-magic-wand-massagers.co.uk is mentioned on the box as well.
Q - Is there a warranty on the Magic Wand massages?
A - Yes! There is a 1-year manufacturers warranty on all Magic Wand massagers.
Q - How long will my delivery take?
A - All orders are shipped the same day received, as long as the order is placed before 3PM. Depending on where you are located, delivery will take 2-4 days with free shipping. Upgrade your shipping to Priority and have guaranteed delivery in just 1-2 days!