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We understand that everyone is looking for a bargain. But if you buy a Hitachi Magic Wand at a price so low it seems too good to be true then you have probably bought an inferior-quality counterfeit. At, all our products are completely genuine. We know just how fantastic real Hitachi Wands are so we don’t want anyone to face the disappointment of ending up with a fake.
When ordering a Magic Wand in the UK be sure to order from a genuine website selling the genuine Magic Wand range of massagers.
We have listed three websites in the UK which are definitely stocking the genuine Magic Wand massagers.
Also there is an eBay store that stocks are genuine Magic Wand massages.
Beware of many sellers on the Internet that sell fake China copies of the genuine Magic Wand.
Please be aware that this website below is selling fake Magic Wands and some to the customer have reported to us that they have not even received an order from this website and have managed to claim there money back.
Genuine Hitachi Magic Wands always come in a box. If your massager arrives packaged simply in plastic, it is likely to be a fake. This is a genuine Magic Wand Original in its box and it weighs 680g.
Although the Magic Wand is a handheld product, it is made from high quality materials and should feel substantial. Both the Hitachi Magic Wand Original and Rechargeable weigh more than 500g. If it is lighter than this, it is not the genuine article.
The Hitachi Magic Wand is designed for use in the US so it comes with a US power cord and not a UK one. The product can be used in the UK using a voltage adapter like the ones we provide for free but if it comes with a UK power cord fitted, it is likely to be a fake.
As well as being made from lower quality materials, the counterfeit Hitachi Magic Wands are simply not as powerful or effective as the real thing. The best way to avoid any doubt is to only buy your Magic Wand and attachments from reputable retailers.
Genuine Magic Wands will not include the name Hitachi on either the product or the box. The real product names are Magic Wand Original and Magic Wand Rechargeable. If they are referred to in any other way, the products are counterfeit.
The company which distributes Magic Wands is called Vibratex and this should be included on the labelling of the product.
The HV-250R was discontinued back in 2013 so any new products with this model number are likely to be fake. The switch is on the replacement Magic Wand Original and no longer includes the brand name Hitachi.